
Posts categorised ‘Life’

So I just had to get a blood test done (for very mundane, routine reasons) and I almost fuckin’ FAINTED 😫 I knew something wasn’t right because the second she put the needle in, pain shot through my forearm to the hand, and then my hand started going numb, and then I started feeling hot and dizzy and nauseous and shortly after that, my vision started clouding over.

The technician was initially more concerned about why the blood sample was so slow to gather, but once I mentioned dizziness she swung into action and helped me get through it with water and cool wet paper towels to the forehead. She reassured me that people faint every day and I just need to tell them next time I need to lie down to get the sample drawn, but I’m still kind of distressed because I’ve had countless blood tests before and this has not happened. I’ve fainted before from overcrowded public transport but not this. Now I’m at home and just feeling physically drained, like I’ve done hours of hard labour. Not sure what happened but what a horrible experience 😫

My dad went into hospital this morning to have surgery to remove his left kidney, because of a large tumour inside it (see previous post). Thankfully, my sister’s been able to pass on the message from the surgeon that the operation was successful, that they think they got all the tumour, and that he should be able to come home in 5–7 days. I think the tumour still needs to be tested to see if it’s cancerous or “benign” (slightly misleading term for something that’s still caused him health issues by taking over his kidney!), but we can take that as it comes. At least for now, we can feel happy that one big step on his road to recovery has been accomplished.

This is the birthday card Viv got me this year. He left it in the fridge on top of my lunch for the day 🤣 I have to say, he chose well. I feel like I have no idea where my twenties went, and now I’m supposed to be a Real Grown-Up?! 🤯

close-up of a birthday card with a lime green background. the text on it says ‘30: Totally Adulting’

Dad called me just before with an update on his health, having now seen the urologist. He definitely needs to have the kidney out, so surgery’s scheduled for November 2. Once they remove it, they’ll be able to test whether the tumour inside is cancerous. They did ask him to get a chest X-ray, in case it is and has already spread there. He was able to get the X-ray done almost immediately after the urology appointment, thankfully, although the results’ll take a day or two.

He sounded pretty stressed on the phone, understandably. I think the gravity of the situation is sinking in. However, he keeps saying that he wants to keep up as much “normalcy” as he can, and keep his mind distracted and focusing on other things as much as possible. That approach makes sense to me – dwelling on the issue constantly isn’t going to make it better, after all. I need to try to do something similar myself, because there’s even less I can do to help. It’s just so nerve-wracking, though.

Weird day today.

Firstly, that heavy rain has led to heavy flooding in a big chunk of the state, including around my mother-in-law’s holiday house. We had been due to go up there for a biiiiiig gathering on the Saturday, which it looks like can’t go ahead now.

Then, my dad texted about the results of his CT scan (see previous post). Apparently, there is in fact a “large tumour” in his kidney. He still needs to see a urologist. It’s very, very probable that that kidney will need to be removed.

The only good thing is that it’s been a very productive writing day. Over 10,000 words added to the current draft (a bunch of them were things that didn’t need to be rewritten from the last draft though), and I’m hurtling towards what I guess will be the climax of “book 1” of this story (see relevant post). I also made some progress towards outlining “book 2”. I get the impression my dad’s keeping himself busy to take his mind off his health issues, as well.

Today Viv and I saw a bunch of ravens flying around, and trying to chase off, a drone. They were too intimidated to outright attack it, I think, but definitely flew close trying to intimidate it into going away. Good on them, TBH

Although I had my own medical appointments today, I also got a text from my dad with some more concerning news about him. He’s been suffering from what seemed like a recurring infection, which would start with lower back pain, progress to fever and vomiting, and clear up after 48 hours (until the next time). I had insisted that he go to the doctor, and finally he did. They sent him for an ultrasound, and the results of that were what dad texted me about this morning. Apparently, his left kidney is looking highly abnormal, with multiple cysts. He has a CT scan next week and also has to see a urologist, but it is possible that that kidney will need to be removed.

I’m genuinely a bit shocked because, even though I knew there was clearly something wrong, that all made it sound more alarming than I’d expected. Obviously my dad’s very important to me, and I just want him to be well! Whatever treatment ends up being required, I hope it makes him so.

Probably everyone who already wore glasses when the pandemic began has talked this topic to death, but I have to say it anyway: MAN is it annoying to wear glasses and a facemask at the same time. The fogged glass effect means I’d see better not wearing the damn glasses 😶‍🌫️

I’m a Daylight Savings Baby

Today’s the day daylight savings starts in Australia’s southeast. I was actually born on the day DST began in the year of my birth, almost 30 years ago. My dad tells an amusing story about it – there was a brief period of doubt as to what to record as my official time of birth, because the hospital moved the clocks forward early. That is, officially the clocks move forward at 2am (so …

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Got notified today that my glasses had arrived at the store, so I went to pick them up, and now, well… here I am! It wasn’t so obvious there, but now I’m home: WOW, everything is so much clearer. Who knew how sharp DVD titles could be from the other side of the room?! 🤯

a young white woman with long brown hair, wearing round-framed glasses. she is smiling
a cartoony avatar of Jessica Smith is a socialist and a feminist who loves animals, books, gaming, and cooking; she’s also interested in linguistics, history, technology and society.