
Posts categorised ‘Life’

Link: “Socialism, anti-fascism and anti-abortion on Prevent list of terrorism warning signs

Original post found at: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/mar/07/socialism-anti-fascism-anti-abortion-prevent-list-terrorism-warning-signs

A document from Prevent, the official scheme to stop radicalisation, includes believing in socialism, communism, anti-fascism and anti-abortion in a list of potential signs of ideologies leading to terrorism.

It comes as the Conservative government considers widening what it will consider to be extremism.

The document is part of online Prevent awareness training for those covered by the duty to inform if they suspect radicalisation. That includes teachers and youth workers.

So wait, have I got this right – teachers in the UK are required to report their students if they believe they’ve been “radicalised” into supporting socialism, communism, or anti-fascism?!

I’m just imagining the FIELD DAY my year 11 History teacher would’ve had with this if Australia had it at that time. I mean, I’m sure he wouldn’t actually have reported me for something so stupid. But I never would’ve heard the end of it in his classes either, I can guarantee you that, lol.

Ear Cuffs

For a while now, I've been enamoured with a certain style of ear jewellery demonstrated here by Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor… Basically, jewellery that spans the whole height of the ear! I love it. I never looked into it too seriously for myself, because I presumed jewellery like this required multiple piercings, and currently I have *zero* piercings (not out of any opposition to them, I've just never gone out of my way to do the research that'd be required to get any). However, yesterday I decided to finally look it up.

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We Bought a House

Last year, Vivian and I bought a house.

I’ve mentioned it in passing on social media a few times, but my blog post about it has lingered in draft purgatory for a long time. It’s a difficult post to write because, obviously, I am painfully aware of how privileged we are to even have been able to buy the house. Most couples our age are really struggling with the inaffordability of …

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So, recently I’ve been rereading old journal entries, which is always playing with fire a bit, but this time I decided to try this new thing where I ONLY read the fuckin’ hilarious entries (and the sexy ones, after a certain point) and none of the traumatic ones and oh my god, this way is so much better. There’s so much shit I completely forgot about. Why is it always the bad memories that stick in your mind, and never the good ones! Feeling a bit of nostalgic sorrow now, but still, this has been good fun.

My “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once” Dream

A few months ago I had this funny dream, which has come back into my mind a few times since and I figure I might as well share. Basically I was back at high school, but Penny Wong was our dictatorial principal, and I was in her office getting castigated for something stupid (probably shooting my mouth off in class; that would’ve been very in-character for me at that time). Anyway, she …

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Remember Viv’s Move-ember challenge? So, even though Viv led the office for the entire month up to the final hour, and even though he averaged 23,000 steps per day over the 30 days and did 50,000 steps yesterday, he got pipped at the final hurdle by the person who had been in no. 2 position. Apparently she did a 4½ hour session on the exercise bike, finishing right at midnight 😂

In addition, even though technically the Victorian office beat the NSW one, in my opinion they cheated because the NSW office had way more average steps per person and the Vic office only won because it’s larger. Believe me, as a born-and-raised Victorian this brings me no pleasure to say.

So, Viv knows someone who knows someone who’s found herself saddled with a mama cat and four tiny kittens, and is now looking for someone to take them off her hands (after the animal shelter said no, they’re full). We’re nervous cos it’d be a HUGE responsibility, but we’re considering offering to take them on and foster them. Maybe we’d keep one cat, but find good homes for the rest once they’re old enough. We’ve never fostered before, but we’ve watched A LOT of Kitten Lady videos, and if the mama cat is there that should make it a lot easier. We also know a bunch of soft-hearted animal lovers (in addition to ourselves) who we reckon have room in their homes for a kitten, lol. But argh, there’s no getting past what a big responsibility it’d be! And yet the cats need somebody to step up… 😿

If you guys thought NaNoWriMo was extreme, let me tell you… at my partner’s office, they’re doing some kind of “Move-ember” challenge where they’re all supposed to average 10,000 steps a day. Viv has so far been averaging over 34,000 steps a day, and he’s mad some guy named Dan is currently 2,000 steps ahead of him 😳 Apparently the pride of the Victorian office is on the line as they take on the NSW office, or something. Viv is doing hours of runs/walks a day. NaNoWriMo seems easy in comparison

Scatterbrained me forgot to buy my sister a birthday present BEFORE I was on my way to her house for dinner 😳

GENIUS me stopped off at a bookshop in Elsternwick and now I have the perfect present for her 😅

Crisis averted!

a cartoony avatar of Jessica Smith is a socialist and a feminist who loves animals, books, gaming, and cooking; she’s also interested in linguistics, history, technology and society.