
Posts categorised ‘Books’

Arkady Martine’s new book, A Desolation Called Peace (the follow-up to A Memory Called Empire) has finally come out in Australia, just two months after seemingly the entire rest of the world! I’ve slacked off on reading so much lately, but for this I need to make an exception. 📚

book cover of The Sleep Room

The Sleep Room by F.R. Tallis

James Richardson, a young psychiatrist, takes up a position at a remote facility in East Anglia, where six of the patients are kept unconscious at all times under a controversial treatment regime. Inexplicable things start happening. (★★★★)

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For any other Harry Potter fans, I thought I’d share the best Hogwarts Sorting Hat quiz(external link) that I’ve ever found. It gives you a “primary” (motivations) and “secondary” (methods) house, and lets you argue back/explore further to maybe get a different result if you don’t like the one it initially gives you.

For me, it gives me a Ravenclaw primary and Hufflepuff secondary house, with a “modelled” Ravenclaw secondary (which basically means I use Ravenclaw methods of acculumating facts and knowledge too, but my instinct or fallback in times of stress is the Hufflepuff way of just putting in the work 😜). I also liked the point it made about how if a Ravenclaw’s moral code is a compassionate, people-centred one, then actually they become very difficult to tell apart from Hufflepuffs, which helps explain to me why both houses sound very relatable (although since my childhood I’ve had a preference for Ravenclaw 😆). There is actually a gargantuan amount of explanation as to the thinking behind the quiz and how it all works, which you can find on their blog here(external link).

a cartoony avatar of Jessica Smith is a socialist and a feminist who loves animals, books, gaming, and cooking; she’s also interested in linguistics, history, technology and society.